LCHE is affiliated with HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Assoc.) and Homeschool Oklahoma. Both of these organizations have a wealth of resources for homeschooling, and we encourage you to become members of these groups.
Home School Legal Defense Association is a nonprofit advocacy organization established to defend and advance the constitutional right of parents to direct the education of their children and to protect family freedoms. Through annual memberships, HSLDA is tens of thousands of families united in service together, providing a strong voice when and where needed.
HSLDA advocates on the legal front on behalf of our members in matters which include conflicts with state or local officials over homeschooling. Each year, thousands of member families receive legal consultation by letter and phone, hundreds more are represented through negotiations with local officials, and dozens are represented in court proceedings. HSLDA also takes the offensive, filing actions to protect members against government intrusion and to establish legal precedent.
LCHE has a GROUP DISCOUNT with HSLDA; you may save $20.00 on your HSLDA membership if you are a member of LCHE. ( You may join HSLDA by completing an online application). They will send you a membership card, which you may use as a "Teacher ID" card to receive discounts at many teaching and office supply stores, etc....You will also receive magazines with information on current homeschool issues, and you can request free brochures on specific homeschool topics, such as academic performance, teaching struggling learners, and many more.
Homeschool Oklahoma’s purpose is to serve the needs and protect the constitutional rights of current and future home educators; to promote home education* in the state of Oklahoma through events, communications and resources; to protect the right of parents to direct the education of their children.
*Homeschool Oklahoma defines the terms ‘home education’, ‘homeschooling’, and ‘home schooling’ exclusively as the privately-funded, home-based education of children by their own parents or guardians.)